About HGH

HGH (human growth hormone)

HGH (human growth hormone)

HGH (human growth hormone) is produced by the human body in the pituitary gland—a small gland located in the base of the brain. In childhood, HGH fuels growth. However, it is produced throughout adulthood and is primarily responsible for maintaining tissues and organs, regulating mood, and keeping cognitive functions sharp. Synthetic growth hormone, called recombinant human growth hormone, is identical to the growth hormone produced in the human body. It is approved by the FDA and has been prescribed to patients for more than 35 years. In the beginning, it was mainly prescribed for children with growth hormone deficiency. When the pituitary gland doesn’t produce enough growth hormone, it results in short stature and underdevelopment of the body and brain. As we reach middle age, the pituitary gland begins to reduce its production of growth hormone. This reduction has triggered research into using synthetic growth hormone to keep at bay changes associated with aging, such as decreased muscle and bone mass, decreased metabolism, and wrinkled skin.

Is it for me?

As much as we’d like to tell you that it is indeed for you, it is important that you consult a licensed medical doctor who specializes in human growth hormone replacement therapy. This is because not all doctors share the same outlook on what’s right for you. Therefore, we recommend you consult a human growth hormone replacement therapy clinic near you. They will need to know your medical history, determine your state of fitness, discuss the benefits with you, and give you a thorough health evaluation.